Friday, March 13, 2009

all for nothing......

will had to have some dental work done. they had to give him a sedative. even with the sedative, he only cooperated long enough for them to numb his lower left side. now the next step is to go to the hospital where he will be put under. how fun is that? poor kid has pretty soft teeth. while he was numb he kept biting his lip and cheek. this is what it looked like today. poor will. all that for nothing.


Dacia said...

Poor little guy. That doesn't look fun at all!

Brittani said...

Oh my gosh, that is worse than I could have imagined...poor guys. Hopefully better luck next time!

Kristy Graff said...

oh, poor kid! that's so sad that they didn't even get anything done that they needed to.

Rory said...

Monique used to do the same thing. We started giving her hot coco agter they numbed her. It helps to get the feeling back sooner. :-(