kaylee was born 12 years ago today........wow! i can't believe she is in middle school and young women's. she is such a good girl and we are so proud of her.

kaylee's birthday breakfast from dad, smoothie and donuts.
12 things i love about kaylee:
1. she is the best big sister. (her little brothers adore her)
2. she is a good student. she always does her best and works so hard.
3. beautiful green eyes.
4. kind heart, she is a good friend to everyone and has A LOT of friends.
5. she loves to read and is a major book worm (just like mom)
6. she is an awesome artist, another love we share.
7. even though we argue about hair, i love that she still lets me do it....
8. dedicated. she is a great example when it comes to reading her scriptures.
9. she reminds me alot of her dad. ;)
10. responsible. (great babysitter, now if she would be responsible with a clean room)
11. i love to watch her swim. she is really graceful.
12. i love that she is such a good example to her brothers and is such a good kid. she always tries to do her best and has such a strong testimoney for a 12 year old. she is amazing.